One Day. One Focus:
Ending Polio
World Polio Day is a time for Rotary members, public health advocates, and all who want a world free from polio to come together, recognize our progress in the fight to end polio, and talk about the actions we need to take in order to end polio for good.
All donations are matched 2:1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, tripling your impact!
Be a Part of History
Donate Your Time
Ending a disease is a massive effort and Rotary and our partners can’t do it alone. Learn how you can join us in our efforts to end polio.
Donate Your Funds
We’re closer than ever to eradicating polio but we’re not done yet. We still need funds to continue immunizations and surveillance efforts. All donations are matched 2:1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, tripling your impact!
Donate Your Voice
We need your voice to help us end polio now. Get involved and spread the message so that we can end the second human disease in history.
World Polio Day Dashboard

Top Districts by Number of Clubs
- 4455
- 9141
- 9126
- 4465
- 4195
Top Districts by Percentage of Clubs
- 4455
- 4380
- 4751
- 4780
- 4420
Top Countries by Number of Clubs
- Brazil
- Nigeria
- Mexico
- India
Register Your World Polio Day Action
Let us know how you're participating in World Polio Day and you could be featured on our social media pages.

Host a Viewing Party
The Rotary Club of Haute Rive, Mauritius, hosted a screening of a documentary about polio in Pakistan.

Host a Concert
Rotary clubs in Lucerne, Switzerland, raised $300,000 by hosting a concert with an internationally renowned conductor and orchestra.

Host a Polio Walk or Ride
Rotary clubs in Kenya and France hosted walks and cycling events to raise funds and awareness for polio eradication efforts.
Other Ways to Take Action
- Pitch a story about World Polio Day and your Rotary club’s contributions to polio eradication to your local newspaper. Submit your World Polio Day event to the calendar section of local publications.
- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about the importance of ending polio. Send it to the op-ed or editorial features editor for consideration.
- Write your government officials asking for their continued support of polio eradication.
- Share the sample social media posts from the World Polio Day Resource on your social media pages.
- Use the Rotary Brand Center to create a People of Action End Polio Now ad digital ad to share online that promotes your club’s local events.
- Create a Raise for Rotary online fundraiser for End Polio Now and share it on your social media pages.