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Social Media
Help Rotary raise awareness for polio eradication and show your commitment by sharing some of these sample posts on your social media. For even greater impact, add a polio-related photo or video from Rotary’s Brand Center to your post!
Staying up to date on routine immunizations is important for protecting children against a variety of dangerous and deadly diseases. It is also a key strategy in the fight to #EndPolio for good. endpolio.org
We’re on a mission to find the 12.5 million unvaccinated children around the world. Donate to help @Rotary get lifesaving polio vaccines to every child. #EndPolio #VaccinesWork endpol.io/give
Strong routine immunization systems everywhere are critical to stopping transmission of polio, sustaining eradication, and eliminating and better controlling other vaccine-preventable diseases. #EndPolio endpolio.org
When @Rotary formed PolioPlus 1985 to #EndPolio, polio paralyzed 1,000+ children every single day in 125 polio-endemic countries. Because #VaccinesWork, just 2 countries remain wild polio-endemic. endpolio.org
#DYK @Rotary members have contributed more than USD$2.6 billion dollars and countless volunteer hours to the fight to #EndPolio. Together with our partners we immunize over 400 million children every year. endpol.io/give
As the first organization to envision a polio-free world through mass immunization of children, @Rotary believes the decision to vaccinate is a humanitarian imperative. #EndPolio endpolio.org
Just 2 polio drops can make a world of difference in the life of a child. A donation to @EndPolioNow helps @Rotary and partners obtain the vaccines, transport, and personnel needed in the fight to #EndPolio for good: endpol.io/give
Want to triple your impact to #EndPolio? Thanks to a 2 to 1 match from the @gatesfoundation, every donation made to @Rotary to @EndPolioNow will be tripled. Donate today: endpol.io/give
A polio-free world is possible, but we can achieve it only by taking action together. Join with @Rotary and together, we will #EndPolio. endpol.io/give

PolioPlus Society Materials
The Rotary District-led PolioPlus Society recognizes Rotarians, Rotaractors, and friends of The Rotary Foundation who commit to giving an amount determined by the criteria set by each District.
Download the resources below to help create and support a PolioPlus Society in your District!
Brand Center
Rotary maintains an extensive inventory of high-resolution photos, HD videos, advertisements, and graphics to support polio eradication efforts. Use these materials to reach out to news media in your community or for your own events. Find these materials and more in Rotary’s Brand Center. You may be asked to create or sign into your My Rotary account.